“I have been an auto driver for several years now and I get to meet hundreds of new people every day. Everyone has a different story to tell, a different reason for their travel, and a different way in which they interact with me. My job involves me staying up at night and outdoors for a long time where I try to find rides from the airports and railway stations.
During these rides I have seen a lot of women filled with panic, they take a picture of my vehicle, me, my ID proof and what not. They try to send their live location to someone, stay on a call, and keep their well-wishers updated on their whereabouts. I see a lot of auto and cab drivers lose their cool on girls who do this, there have been instances where I have seen boys who take the auto along with a girl and need to get off early, their eyes are filled with fear about sending the girl alone.
I never pick a fight with those people, I feel sad and sorry on behalf of all the men who have driven women and girls into a state of fear. And it is sadly only in the past decade that these sort of heinous crimes have been happening in this city and pushing women into fear. I blame no government or officials; I think it is upon the people to instil that confidence in women that they are safe both outdoors and indoors. If a nation and the people cannot assure safety to its women, who form half the population, I think there is no point in any progress we make as a country.”