“I’m a 48-year-old with two wonderful children, and I take pride in being a homemaker. My hobbies include Indian folk art, shopping, and modeling. I’m tuned in to what everyone is saying. You might wonder, “Is that all?” Well, yes, that’s all. What I want to convey is that it’s perfectly okay to just be yourself today. Who’s ahead, who’s not? Who’s achieved their goals, who’s still figuring it out? None of it really matters. Don’t stress over it. We’re all on the same journey, and life’s too short to fret about everything. Worrying drains us. Instead, let’s be thankful for who we are and what we have right now. Count your blessings. That’s what brings happiness, and ultimately, that’s what counts—being happy. I might sound like a mental wellness coach, but in a world full of success stories, motivational tales, and tragedies, I believe our society needs this simple, positive message. In addition to my roles as a homemaker and a mother, I’ve been honored to receive recognition for my achievements. I was thrilled to be awarded the “Women Achiever of the Year” by Madarase Diva. Additionally, I was humbled to receive the “Pudhumai Penn” award from Tanishq for writing the motivating slogan “Gratitude is my Attitude” and for speaking about its importance. These accolades have further reinforced my belief in the power of gratitude and the importance of spreading positivity in our society.”