“I have been a practicing gynaecologist for the past three decades. Through all these years of practicing medicine, I was not prepared for what menopause had in store for me. Having urdergone a spinal operation twice in my life, I suffered from extreme pain and discomfort. It peaked when my menopause rolled in because, I was dealing with twice as much as issues with my body after that.
From my own experience, I have to understand that women are so misinformed about menopause and everything it can entail. Most of these symtoms can extend up to the end of their time and it would essentially mean that the woman who’s undergoing menopause continues to suffer through the symtoms.
If you look at history you would understand the issues stemming from menopause are quite recent. Back in those days, the average human life expectancy was 50 or maximum 60. So women back then didn’t even live upto the stage of undergoing menopause. But with recent developments, the human life expectancy is increasing and due to misinformation, women are continued to be subject to different illness.
With my own experience, I understood that I could reverse all my illness with proper diet and nutrition. Now at the age of 55, I would say that I have much more energy and vigour than in my 20s. Having understood this from my own experience, I set out to spread awareness about menopause and its associated symtoms.
I have conducted multiple lives and interviews with experts and also host sessions where I dispel the myths and also the surrounding truths around this subject. I would like to help more women take ownership of their own health and start living a life they deserve.
Everyone deserves to lead an illness free life. With the right information and help, I believe we can all help women become their empowered selves even in their later years of life.”