“I worked in a Supermarket after my 12th grade as I knew that I wouldn’t be able to continue my studies due to financial reasons.
Being a very studious student, I wasn’t aware of the external world until I thought about college.
One of my friend’s father referred me to an Engilyy teering college, which I quit after a couple of months. I continued working again.
As I had a strong aspiration to direct films since my late teens, I worked as an assistant director in a movie.
I got a seat in a Government college for the Tamil Literature course but since I didn’t have my TC (Transfer Certificate) ready in my hand, I wasn’t allowed to register there.
A degree was all I wanted to survive!
Later, I planned to join a course which had the lowest fee and that’s how I graduated with an English Literature degree. Simultaneously, I worked in French Loaf (a bakery store) in Chennai to support my regular expenses.
My degree helped me read a lot of stories and I got fascinated towards film making and writing. After my UG, I applied for an MBA in correspondence and favourably completed it.
Gone are the years when I wasn’t financially well to do even one degree!
Suddenly, on the flow, I got to notice the open mics around me and started participating in one. People liked the way I funnily tell stories.
I picked that up as my passion and started scripting for shows every week.
I resigned from my job at Cognizant as I wanted to pursue a Stand-Up Comedian professionally full time. After gaining experience and exposure, I started concentrating more on telling stories interestingly.
‘Stand-Up Comedian’ the world branded me. I became so curious about improving myself and my storytelling strategy. I started developing my own strategies for entertaining the crowd.
I get 3 to 5 stages every week to make hilarious sentences and drive the audience in a fun and engaging way.
Finding your passion might time; but once you discover your interest, just grab it tighter! It will lead you to your bigger goals sooner or later!”