“I had a rough upbringing in this life and soon after my marriage, I was blessed with 4 kids. But providing for them and looking after them was one of the toughest hurdles I had ever had to cross in my life. I have been running this stall in the Marina for the past 40 years and with this, I have sustained through life providing my kids with education and happily getting them married off. Should I think about it even now, I tear up a little but somehow with the grace of the divine, myself and my husband have crossed that stage. Now, my kids provide a part of their earnings to me but that still is not sufficient hence, I continue to run this stall. If you look at yesterday, I made somewhere close to 200 rupees. My husband is an auto driver so somehow we trudged through the years and now, looking at my kids settled in their respective families make me feel contended in a small but meaningful way. Somehow no matter how hard a situation is, I think we as humans are blessed enough to fight through all the odds and emerge on the other side. I am glad that we persevered and enabled our kids today.”