“Being born and brought up in Mangalam Chettipalayam, which is a small village in the west side of Tamil Nadu, it was very new and realistic to face a proper city during my college.
My dad is an alcoholic and so, my mom was the one who brought us to the level where we (my brother and I) are today. My mother just completed her 6th grade but she was so empowered and strong enough, to help us achieve our dream goals.
Usually, Indian parents have a myth that children who study in private schools can shine up so well later in their careers.
Who told so?!
Unfortunately, my mother had the same unfavorable idealogy.
This only piled up our loan amount.
Of course, education will change the mentality, the society and consequently the country itself, but at the cost of what?
After my first degree, I opted for the next degrees, now landed in the process of completing my 4th degree in Folklore and Cultural Studies in Delhi. Before this, I had a passion for pursuing Journalism and did a comparative study on ‘Folk Tales and Hindu Mythology’. I’m preparing towards my goal of becoming a professor, being an expert on ‘Art for Behaviour Change’.
I’m a puppeteer currently, been practicing for 2 years now.
I have had opportunities to work with Blacksheep, I-PAC and other forums on showcasing the real me.
Art gives us energy in various forms, it showcases the direction towards a positive life, a compassionate life, and a purposeful life. When identified the right energy around you, you can win anything!”