“I was in my second grade when my dad passed away out of the blue due to cancer. It was one of the most testing periods of my life so when our neighbour, an assistant director offered to cast me in one of his upcoming serial projects, I took it without thinking twice.
I forayed into the teleworld and soon I was doing a couple of projects at one time. It was always a hectic routine for me juggling studies and acting together but it was something I had grown used to over the years.
And soon after completing my high school, giving in to my mother’s dream of seeing me as a lawyer, I enrolled into a law school. So a typical day in my life would be driving down from Kodambakkam to Kelambakkam in the morning to finish off my classes and then, driving down to the EVP studios where the shooting would be taking place. Most days, I wouldn’t even have the time to study and the routine would commence the very next day.
But life soon hit the eye of the storm. It came crashing down on me when my mother tested for cancer. Until then, being a school teacher, the pressure was wearing off on her and one time, she fell too sick and went into a deep coma. Born with an elder sister who was a special child, life seemed extremely cruel at that point in time but that was when I decided to take the reins of my family. I asked my mom to resign from the job and took control over the affairs.
It was an incredibly tough phase for us as a family since I was with a schedule which was hard pressed for time while I also had to provide for a mother and a sister. But with the help of some wonderful friends, we were able to pull off and my mother is in a much better shape now.
I am at a phase now when I am facing a scarcity of projects but I am hopeful that I will come out of this too stronger than ever. Life hasn’t exactly been a cake walk for me but I have salvaged the best I could with what was given. And with that die hard spirit, I am sure I can handle anything that life throws at me.”
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