“School is our second home. Despite it being a government school, I think that school gives us all a sense of purpose. We are made to understand that each of us are capable of having a dream and that we can all reach it someday. And every year, there is a new syllabus to look forward to with new interesting things to learn. People like us who don’t have strong financial backgrounds, I think school is the way gateway for us to go up in life. The very idea that someday we can give our parents the life of their dreams is exciting for me. We have an array of extra curricular activities that we get to choose. Most of us love to dance and at the end of every day, our teacher makes sure that we let our hair down in a metaphorical manner and give ourselves to the music and dance away our worries. I think in that manner I believe that as long as I have a place to go here, I will be taken care of.”
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