“I have been a sales person for close to three decades and have always heard people associate this profession with stress. While work stress is inevitable in every job and even little neglect can result in ill-health, the risks are greater for a sales person. The high amount of travel involved in our job has a role to play in it. However, I can proudly say that in my 30 years of experience as a sales person, I have always been in the pink of my health. My funda is simple, we must follow a routine and avoid skipping meals. If we respect our body and adhere to our schedule, the need for medication does not rise, because we as human beings, thrive on routine. I make sure I have something to eat as soon as the hunger sets in and I ensure that everyone around me does too. This ensures you do not get ‘Hangry’ over petty issues, add to your pre-existing stress and let things go south. If we adopt a healthy lifestyle and do our bit to ensure that we do not get stressed, the world would automatically become a better place to live.”
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