“I’m sure we’ve heard of many perspectives of Ramadan- it is one of the five central obligations, it involves fasting, it commemorates the revelation of the Quran to the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), it is a pure act of worship and obedience between human kind and the Lord, it is a way to facilitate our spiritual renewal etc. But growing up, Ramzan has taught me all about empathy and life.
My father always advised us to consider Ramadan as an awakening call for spiritual contemplations about our words and deeds in this world and preparation for the afterlife. In my childhood, I noticed that in addition to fasting and praying, my father used to give charity as an expression of commitment to the faith.
As per tradition, there is a deeper meaning to fasting. When we fast through the days without taking even a drop of water, we are able to understand the plight of the poor and the unfortunate, hence realising the real essence of Ramadan. Charity is an articulation of a sense of collective social responsibility to mankind.
So every year on Eid, my family sets out to gift clothes to those who aren’t well to do and other close kith and kin. And I must admit that this tradition has instilled a deep sense of empathy in our family and we try to do our part wherever we can.
God loves those who show mercy, those who are humble, those who do well, and are just; and there is no greater goal than attaining the love of God. I feel the pleasure of serving human kind through Eid and feeling the pain of poverty through fasting which pushes me to donate as much as I can.”
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