“As a follower of ‘Art Of Living’ organisation, I have been an active participant for all their events. In one such event, as part of a social initiative, we were shown how bio enzymes could clean an almost filthy river. A complete water body was revived through these magical potions called bio enzymes.
I was baffled with this concept but suffice it to say, something in me had changed for good. I couldn’t stop thinking about the event and inspired to take action, I started making my own bioenzyme for my home. It was so effective and I could see the aftermath of it at my own house.
This led me to start propagating the importance of making our own cleaning solutions. It started with a small webinar that I had planned to talk about the importance of bio enzymes and how all of us could make it at home.
The first webinar saw a participation of close to 80 plus members and it was a grand success. I saw the interest people had in learning all about it and eventually, taking action. What started as a noble cause to spread more awareness started to attract more participants and I collaborated with a few other people on social media to go on and talk about bio enzymes.
Looking back, it seems like a blur of events that the universe conspired to make happen. Being in the loop with my webinar participants, I understood that most of them were hesitant about taking the first step towards making bio enzymes.
This in turn propelled me to start producing in bulk and currently, I am sourcing bio enzymes to people in and around Chennai. But, in the long haul, I would really like people to understand and practice this on their own.
The making of a better world starts with each of our singular efforts and I feel that we should all take equal part in this to contribute to that. We owe it to our planet and to our children.”