“As an engineer, I have donned multiple hats in my life. But owing to my love for kids, I started a pre-school and later on went on to become the vice president at a school. But based on my work with kids, I started to learn a lot about infant mortality rate and the kind of issues young mothers face in India.
As a country, we have progressed a lot with respect to the awareness on LGBTQ and also sex education but little gets said about homeless kids and their conditions. Most of us aren’t even aware of how homeless people procreate let alone give birth without the safety of a hospital or a home.
This led me to form my own NGO where we started to propagate awareness pertaining to infant mortality rate. The first COVID wave hit India in the month of March in 2020. It was so unprecedented that none of us were prepared for what was to come. Suffice it to say, it left pregnant mothers hanging with a gripping uncertainty on what was to become of their dates and appointments.
This is when we launched our exclusive cab service to transport pregnant women to their appointments and other essential requirements they might need for their infants. With time, we also launched a kit that would completely support the mother post delivery with all the essentials they would need for their kid – from clothes to baby food.
What started for women at large has now been narrowed down to COVID affected pregnant women alone in the second wave. We have helped close to 950 pregnancies until now and our services are continuing throughout the lockdown. What we hope to achieve is that every woman, no matter where she comes from, gets a fair chance at proper delivery care and post delivery essentials.
The crux of my work lies with kids and infants and mothers and with them I will always stand, to make India an infant death free nation.”
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