“My husband, Harish and I never imagined there to be a day when our funny videos would go viral on the internet. It was totally unexpected and began, in fact, during the pandemic when he was working from home.
Initially, we started with voice overs on TikTok and sent them only to our close circles. But their encouragement with each clip was so much that I started posting them online too, after a while. And soon enough, we witnessed a whole flood of people who found our light-hearted humour funny, and most importantly, relatable!
Their excitement was to the extent that we’d get messages of concern in case we both were occupied with work and didn’t find time to post for a couple of days. The love from them feels amazing and it definitely motivates us to spare a few minutes towards this, creating original content.
Now talking about inspiration, it’s always been from our silly banters. We are friends first and share the same vibe we share even off-screen. What’s funny though is that we didn’t speak to each other for most of our formative years though we were distant relatives.
I guess our families knew, we’d be hitched one day and that got us very shy to even interact back then. Nevertheless, today, I’m happy to have married this man, who not only shares similar goals and interests but hobbies too! Yes, we’re both individuals consumed by wanderlust and, in fact, spend a considerable portion of time checking out plane tickets and destinations to explore as a family!
And some of our best moments too, have been during such expeditions! Our pregnancy for one happened on his birthday at the hilly altitudes of Machu Picchu. It felt surreal and I guess these unique experiences and how we handle them also find their way into our content.
Finally, a question we get often is our vision for the page, now that we have a sizable audience. You see, the point is that we’ve never planned all this. And that I believe is the beauty of it all- finding inspiration to make people smile even through a pandemic!”