“Born to musically inclined parents, I am privileged enough to get into music early on in life. I am a song writer and singer by passion and a SEO analyst by profession. My mother is a professionally qualified musician and my dad is a music lover. They are my biggest critics and my biggest cheerleaders. Winning their approval means everything to me and to this date, they have supported me through all my endeavours. I have been recording songs and writing original music for a while and been uploading it on YouTube. In that, one of the recent covers I did of the series became viral and I received over 180K views. In the lockdown, it was difficult to find a studio that would allow us to come and record but I am happy to know that I have a wonderful team now and we are planning a couple of other songs in a short while. We all have a secret passion that we nurture inside us but somehow refrain from taking the plunge due to various reasons. But one life is all we got and we need to give this our best shot. My journey has just begun and I can’t wait to witness the adventures life is going to throw my way.”
#Music #Passion #motivation #journey #inspire #songwriter #singer #chennai #HumansofMadras