“Ever since I was a child, I had an inclination towards art and dance. I was very good at my academics as well as my extra curriculars. I learnt how to paint at a young age and also won the best child artist award in the 5th grade at a national level. Growing up, I kind of sidelined arts and worked towards becoming a Chartered Accountant. I sacrificed my college life, movies, hanging out with friends and a lot more that a 21 year old experiences. I worked and studied very hard for each of my exams but midway through my intermediate course, I met with a horrific accident and broke all my fingers of my right hand. But I never gave up, I spent months of physiotherapy and wrote my exams and cleared in one go. I qualified as a Chartered Accountant three years later and at the age of 24, I was very proud of myself. I got placed with a renowned bank and everything seemed to work out really well for me. But I was missing something in my life… my love for arts hadn’t died. I had created a YouTube channel during my final examinations for CA and shot educational videos on makeup artistry. I was an amateur but I hit 500k on one of my videos and continued this as a hobby while having still having a job.
I got married in 2018 where I decided to do my own makeup and that was the start of my makeup artistry career. Later that year, I quit my job to pursue what I was passionate about and good at. Today having decked so many brides and family up, there’s a satisfaction and pride that I continue this journey with. Arts never left me and my passion didn’t fail me. I love my job as a makeup artist and I also take pride in being a CA. This was my story of how I turned my passion into my profession. I hope that everybody gets to choose their passion and has the courage to pursue it.”