“Hailing from Madurai, I’m a former state Champion in Badminton. Post schooling, my achievements went on to get me an engineering seat in a private Institution in Chennai. And though the city was very new with much higher coaching charges, my focus was only towards honing my skills.
But life is unpredictable, even scary sometimes! I remember one day at college, suddenly not being able to walk properly or even hold a pen for that matter. What’s sadder was to witness my badminton racquet too, similarly, give up on me. And eventually, after several months, multiple sessions and a plethora of nerve-related tests, the doctors diagnosed me with Multifocal Motor Neuropathy, a rare condition that affects one in ten-million men apparently. What’s worse was to hear that it’s progressive and is known to affect my muscles and nerves throughout.
Needless to say, my family and I were devastated! By then, I was already in my second year of college with eight backlogs, but no way of catching up as my lower limbs went numb. Third-year too, just added further to the misery, with severe Muscle Dystrophy and drastic weight loss issues. Naturally with the next step being hospitalization, I had immune externally injected into my system. Now it all did take a massive toll across facets, but more so, on my potential career in Badminton.
From that to today, it’s been over 10 years of sacrifices. Even the simplest things such as buttoning myself, typing, or even standing still for a while are difficult. And it all feels like a lifelong punishment, especially with the judgement I face sometimes when trying to lead a normal life. There are people who call me the slowest person on earth, but only do I know all the odds stacked against me.
Yet, despite the grief what keeps me going are my close ones. I’m grateful for my parents, a few good friends, and most importantly, my wife. She’s truly the light of my life, bringing in all the happiness and support to keep me going. Going forward I’m determined to raise more awareness on the condition and help others in a similar state!”
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