“I went to a government school. It was only for my MBA that I stepped out of my hometown, Madhurai and came to Coimbatore. That was a completely different experience and helped me open up to new people. It taught me how adapting to the peer group was necessary. I learned how to speak according to my audience. For instance, if I am in Madhurai, then my Madurai slang is my to go, but I couldn’t do that in Coimbatore or Chennai. I speak according to the people I am interacting with, and that’s important because people form stronger bonds when they do not fit you into stereotypes.
When we speak of bonding, I remember a memory from my younger days. My friends and I had gone to Goa, and we were caught amidst a wrong kind of group while trying to get chatty with fellow tourists. It was a rollercoaster ride to get out of there and reach home safely. While it was traumatizing back then, we have a good laugh at it now.
I currently handle international business operations for a reputed organization and handle around 7 countries. I think my experience during my MBA days, where I tried to embrace different identities is beneficial now. Also, the Goa incident, it keeps reminding me to trust, but with caution. I am just a regular guy with ordinary life is what I think of myself, but when I look back from where I’d begun, I think I’ve come a long way.
For all those boys from small-town who think you cannot make it big because you lack English speaking ability, trust me, that’s not the truth! If you are determined to learn, the world is the limit, and that’s what my life has taught me!”MotivationDiaries #stressfree #yolo #sliceoflife #goingwiththeflow #humansofmadras #madurailove #peopleofchennai