“From a very young age, I remember being intrigued and thoroughly amused by the world around me. I used to walk by foot to all the neighbouring cities surrounding my district where I was thoroughly enthralled with the things I noticed.
My first breakthrough came to me when I cycled the entire stretch of western ghats to raise awareness about the environment. It was a pleasantly revelatory journey that I embarked on that helped unleash aspects of me I didn’t realise were hidden inside me all that while.
And this propelled me to dive deep into my true calling – exploration! I travelled the length and the breadth of this country starting from Irum Sharmila in North East India to travelling to Africa to live with the Masai tribe members and also to meet Jane Goddall. I have travelled by foot, my planes and also rode my way to different places.
Looking back now I realise that I am someone who hated desk jobs and my quest for experiences and meeting people has always propelled me to go in search of them.
Sometimes you choose the destination and sometimes, the path chooses a destination for you. I realise now that I have always deep down wanted to be a storyteller. I always took a keen interest in listening to people, their journeys and also taking away something that was only ever precious for me.
To everyone reading this, I would just say that one has to travel. Travel is as important as working and it unleashes perspectives that we would have otherwise been ignorant of. Travel can quench and cure the thirst we all carry. I have lived 100 different lives through all the people I have met and I will continue to bring forth stories till I possibly can.”