“A picture is worth a thousand words goes the famous quote. But this quote eventually laid the foundation for the life I have come to live. I was born in Kanchipuram and moved to Chennai and Vellore eventually to complete my education in different schools. This gave me ample exposure to life in general.
My introduction to photography happened as a kid and it was this hobby that made me a person who fell in love with this world. As a kid I loved taking pictures however I didn’t own a professional camera nor was I equipped with enough technical knowledge! So I used to experiment with my mother’s mobile. And around my 9th grade, I received a mobile of my own and I started clicking with a newfound fervour. The Facebook fever picked up in my 11th grade and I started uploading my shots to be received with a lot of appreciation and encouragement. This eventually led me to learn Photoshop and I started editing pictures for others slowly developing my editing skills.
And by some magic, I landed on my own camera in my 12th grade and there has been no looking back since then! I joined VIT for my graduation and I have been given the opportunity to cover so many different events and workshops until now! I even had an amazing opportunity to learn from India’s well-established photographers which have been truly one of the best experiences till date! I hope to continue this for the coming days and hope to take my photography to another level.”