“I was one of those girls reluctant about getting married while ruminating over everything that could go wrong. And arranged marriages especially were my nightmares, until the day I met my now-husband. We struck a chord instantly and I realized then, that the universe had its own way of proving my made-up fears wrong, one by one.
We got married four months later and had set an entire list of things we wanted to accomplish. But again, life had other plans. It started with my father’s health debilitating soon after. What followed immediately was a pregnancy that I wasn’t ready for at all! Of course, everyone around me was happy, especially my ailing father. And it was for him that I eventually decided to reconsider my priorities and nurture my child.
Now the pregnancy again was a whole rollercoaster of emotions. The hormone fluctuations made me ponder over the unknown so much! Simultaneously, seeing my dad getting weaker by the day, despite a plethora of treatments, got me to skip food inadvertently and again end up in a corner, weeping. In fact, my fears were to the extent that I’d panic every time there was a call from home.
But throughout the phase, the one person who understood all the mood swings was my husband. He was also new to it but still ensured to always be by my side, prepping me for any curveballs. And had it not been for his pampering, I’m certain that I would have gone mad with the chaos.
Now, my father’s story saw it’s final jolt with the infamous pandemic. He went through a major heart surgery before finally bidding us farewell sometime around May. And though these lockdowns did mean that my husband didn’t have to go away on alternate shifts during my final trimester, it completely banned my last opportunities to meet my father. His demise broke us, especially my husband, who was weeping profusely over the fact that he couldn’t get me to meet my dad.
Then again, life has to move on! Today, the arrival of my son has rekindled the joy in our lives. But more importantly, it’s made me look back at these nine months and thank my stars for giving me this rock-solid man!”
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