“As a clay pot seller, I have taken it upon myself to educate the masses about the benefits of using mud vessels. I would even go to the extent of calling this my calling/ passion.
As you can see, there is a generational shift between the yesteryear folks and this generation. We have moved away from our basics in a trade-off for modernized fancy products. But, the benefits of using clay-based vessels are immense.
For example, back in the olden days, one never had the facility of a refrigerator so the water was stored in a mud pot. If you had to read up on this practice, you will be amazed to see the depth of scientific concepts at play here. The trends are changing now and I am happy to note that people are becoming more conscious about their lifestyle choices! With the increasing awareness about mud-based essentials, people are slowly starting to move away from steel and non-stick cookware. So, this business, inaugurated by my grandfather, has also come to revolve around a cause we strongly believe in. Looking back at my life, I would say that we have progressed far greater than what it used to be. Sleeping on street corners, we got through each day with hardly anything but one square meal to suffice throughout the entire day. Our family elders too, were quite busy juggling different jobs and business, that we never really understood the value of education.
Shortly after completing middle school, I dropped out and got into the family business. Although I might regret that, I am quite happy to state that our business has progressed far and beyond what we could have imagined.
We have our own factory enterprise where we are now able to provide employment opportunities to many educated folks. Complete with state-of-the-art machinery, we are also exporting premium quality products to people all over the world. These apart, we are also working on a few informative content channels to illustrate the benefits of clay-based products. And these were possible only because of our consistent hard work and efforts.
What once seemed like a bleak situation has now paved the way into the growth of such great lengths and I have the universe to thank a great deal for this. If I had learned anything from this rollercoaster of a life, it is to always trust the process. The goodness we give out into the universe is the goodness we attract. And that alone will help us prosper in life.”
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