“Corona is an enveloped virus, meaning, it does not cause death in all cases. You can actually curb the virus by washing your hands properly or sanitizing them. At the outbreak of a pandemic like this where there’s no medicine available, the best thing people could do is to follow the advice of the government. While the common belief is that the senior citizens and infants are vulnerable, I would like to advise the youngsters to not venture out or consume outside food. The virus can be transmitted through multiple sources and not just another infected person, so I would advise you to be extra careful not just to save your life, but that of your loved ones too!
Even if you’re planning a visit to the hospital, think if you really need to go, or if it’s possible to avoid the visit. We, as dentists have been asked to take only those patients who are in absolute pain and need immediate care. That’s because most dental procedures lead to an aerosol and splatter, that can be a potential risk to the dental personnel and the immunocompromised patient.
It is essential to maintain good oral hygiene too along with cleaning hands properly with soap and water. Remember to follow advice from the WHO or a medical practitioner and not the Whatsapp forwards which claim that alcohol-based sanitizer alone needs to be used. Even a five-rupees bar of ordinary soap will do the trick, so do not panic buy. If you buy all the sanitizers and soaps, someone with the virus or a potential threat might not find one to safeguard themselves. Same is the case with the masks too, you will not need one unless you’re sick or taking care of a sick person. The habit of hoarding amongst people is making it difficult for even medical practitioners to get sanitizer or face masks.
Another strong advice I would like to give is to avoid taking over-the-counter medicines and antibiotics. Antibiotics are for bacterial infection and corona is a viral infection, so it can do more harm than good. Just do your bit by staying indoors and things might soon fall into place! The fewer people who venture out of their place, the lesser will be the cases.
The reckless behavior of a few people is contributing to increase in the number of cases in India. It is high time that we pay heed to what the government, WHO and doctors have to say. Only that will help everyone stay safe and healthy.”
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