“I’m proud to be the first-gen Queer voice-out from a feminine body.
16 years back, I moved to Chennai from Paramakudi for my education. From then, Chennai became my everything.
I always laid my head towards neither of the genders. I discovered myself to be a gender non-confirming person & I’m super cool with that.
However, the initial stages were highly confusing, troublesome, and tiring, but I never gave up on my ideation towards how to project myself. When self-realization happened, nothing was strange for me. I re-discovered my real existence.
I lost my parents during my twenties. I had no emotional dependency or connection with my biological siblings. But, I own a chosen brother (Ajay) who is my guardian, after the demise of my parents. All my decisions made in my life are from my choices, and I don’t regret any, including the love of my life, who insulted & ditched me to showcase her hetero-privilege sexuality to others. It was a trauma that I’m still not over it. Heartbreaks are hidden in every instance, but I’ve come to fight for a cause & that urges me to swallow my sorrows.
I don’t acknowledge even the recognitions that I receive under the ‘women’ gender. Let me be a non-(gender-judegemental) person!
I don’t judge my gender, and I blame the cultural system for dividing the right and wrong way of looking at people (in certain niches). I grabbed my willpower from the people who lost their lives during the battle of making ordinary people accept the LGBTQ+ community.
Although there were so many stones thrown at me, nothing could stop me from taking my vision and ideation to the next-gen humans. Apart from all the wounds personally, I’ve gathered many hats professionally, which has made me a better person today.
I’m a filmmaker, an actor, a producer, a speaker, a dancer, a journalist and most importantly, act as a voice for many suppressed Queer communities.
I run a production house – Veytikaari Productions, created 1 documentary film which won an International award and worked with Director Ranjit as an assistant.
Fear is the biggest slave for anyone. Once you destroy the emotion and reaction of fear, you can enjoy your freedom.”