“Spirituality came a little late in my life. But, there is a long story behind how I reached there. Having been raised in an orthodox household, I was used to the rituals and traditions but never took them seriously.
Growing up, I was quite active in whatever I did. I would go the extra mile to complete things and being a HR wellness manager, involved me in organizing many activity camps for my employees.
Shortly after my marriage, however, we relocated to the US where we stayed for a good 6 plus years.
For someone who was actively involved in some activity or the other, this move propelled me towards a grave lonely phase and I turned to my faith to give me answers. Spirituality came to my rescue as it helped me come out of this phase.
If anyone happens to see my instagram page, they would understand that I am quite an open book and I have no qualms about exhibiting the person I am. So as I started to share more of my rituals and
traditions on my page, likeminded people started to approach me and we together, started conducting satsang’s and group chantings.
I strongly believe that the collective vibe of a group of people praying for the good thing is bound to give results in phenomenal ways. My network grew and I started to take an active interest in conducting these sessions.
It’s been 6 months since I moved to India but I would say that I have never felt more loved than now.
My connections on instagram have grown into beautiful personal relations that I have come to cherish now. I still continue to conduct satsangs and group prayers here as well and it is amazing to see how I am able to reach out to every nook and corner.
For someone who was going through the motions out of force of habit, I am glad to see the person I have evolved into and spirituality has sure played a great role here.”
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