“Do we actually live only once? If we think about it, not really. In fact, we die only once but live every single day! And this ideology has somehow, always been at the back of my head, aiding me to consciously make choices towards living a fulfilling life over a mundane one.
Of course, different people have their views on it, but at the end of the day, I truly believe each one of us has a responsibility to be honest to ourselves, no matter the circumstances! With years flying by in a blink, we definitely owe ourselves the right to be happy in the limited time we get in this world.
And again, I guess, a collection of such thoughts are what has fuelled my keen interest in traveling! Moreover, shifting multiple houses right as a child also had a role in sparking my curiosity to seek new experiences, while trying to adapt to the milieu everytime. So beginning there, I’d like to view my life as a collection of interesting stories with the ultimate goal being to direct one myself! Yes, I’m also an aspiring filmmaker, with the longing for good content right from childhood!
Today, all that I work for is to ultimately direct one good movie, in my time. Now, amidst my vision and its gradual progress, I’ve been lucky enough to pick up a plethora of skills that have come in hand at several junctures.
And in the end, this is what gives me the ultimate high- to be able to get my hands into any situation and come out successful with a richer set of beliefs and outlook. I’ve survived in remotest corners of the country with no access to communication, hitchhiked my way through multiple destinations, and have been a part of adventures most could only dream of! With all this being just the start, I look forward to navigating my narrative, impacting lives both in reality and in the reels!”