“Back when I was in school, I was sent away from my house due to a family rift. So I was working part time in a place and studying in a college. Here, I started doing art on a piece of chalk. It started with experimentation and then slowly, it became something I grew so fond of. I started to sculpt different structures on the chalk. Seeing this, one of my professors showed it to another professor and slowly it went to my principal and then my college chairman. Deciding to help me out, they formed a committee to discuss with me. I was enquired about my background and everything. When they came to know that I was without any family support and working part time, they offered to help me. They offered me a place in the hostel to stay for free for five years. And then they decided to offer me a salary to help me work and pay my fees. And then they decided to waive off my fees and utilise my services for the college. I started to design the college banners, invites and many other college related design requirements. This unique piece of art I acquired helped me study and also bag a job in my current company. In life we never know when our turning point is going to come but I have learnt that, when you surrender to the universe, the universe finds a way to help come up in this world.”