“It all started with a random thought- ‘what if a single cigarette could change a person’s day.’ Sounds bizarre right? Well, what I’m referring to is the staggering amounts that go into the purchase of these tobacco tubes every day. And having completed my graduation with a close-knit group of guys, I also knew well, how much the vice emptied their pockets at the end of every month.
So looking at these not-so-little expenses that most folks casually spend on, made me think of the impact it could have if put into good use!
Now what further proved to be a trigger in this direction was one of my random visits to a temple nearby. On my way out, I saw a never-ending line of people, begging for a single meal, in order to escape starvation that day. In that rush, they were even willing to accept the food that was already distributed inside. It immediately got me teary eyed just to imagine the economic inequality that exists and I realized the that I wanted to spark a change, no matter what it took!
So starting there, I occupied myself in the process of collecting funds in order to buy food packets for the people near my college. And, of course, it required quite a bit of convincing, especially on the first few days, to get my friends to understand that the a simple 10-15 rupees that they can spare can, in fact, turn a person’s day around.
Thankfully though, I saw the efforts pay off quickly and in turn transform into the core of a bigger, more impactful initiative, that enabled me to distribute these essentials continuously on a week-on-week basis. Plus, a few of us friends who were further interested went ahead to launch ‘Siragugal’, our very NGO that works towards aiding orphanages located in the outskirts. You see, we were very specific on targetting those crowds that lived outside the city’s vicinity, for it’s the homes there don’t receive enough funding ever, from the common public.
Now, good intentions alongside our on-ground attempts, ensured that we were able to garner the funds, not just for the meals but also to spend on other important needs within the orphanages. For one, it became a ritual every Diwali, to pay a visit to the children living there and celebrate an entire day with them.
The word, of course, spread quickly, and well-wishers started pooling every year, to aid us further on our mission. But personally, what’s been most satisfying, is to witness the power of a young community, like-minded in their ideas to give back to the community.
Today, we are five years into our initiatives, and work with multiple homes, aiding them in their restoration activities too besides the usual donations. In the days to come, what I look forward to is educating a larger audience on how their smallest contribution too, can have lasting impacts! It’s never about the amount that goes in but the lives we touch in the end.”