“I am an assistant director and aspiring filmmaker in Tamil cinema. And for as long as I can remember, storytelling has been an intuitive call within me. I have always loved to listen to stories and watch films, but I wasn’t good at academics. I often had a problem with my studies and I was quite a rebel back then!
My primary education was a nightmare for me though I still wonder how I accomplished it. My primary school had an ecosystem where Hindi was the majoritarian language. The general atmosphere was against Tamil & Tamilians and the pressure built on me since I hail from a downtrodden society. I couldn’t focus on studies in this stigmatically pressurized environment and to overcome that, I started to imagine better life situations though it wasn’t anywhere close to reality.
Somehow I managed to overcome the hurdles in primary schooling, and I was shifted to Chennai and put in an elite school. It was tough to cope with that environment since it was very competitive, and I couldn’t withstand the neoliberal world’s highly influenced ecosystem. Academics couldn’t domesticate me again; it was the imagination that took the lead. But this time, it was liberally radically oppressing in the environment. After another struggling spell, I finished my schooling with an above-average score. Amid all these dramas, I figured out that I loved telling stories. So I decided to become a filmmaker just with the influence of mainstream Tamil cinema, which I would say had come from my intent to tell stories.
I started to roam around Chennai a lot after school. It was an excellent resource for my stories. Going against my parent’s will, I dropped out of engineering, joined Loyola college, took mathematics in my under graduation, and then took up visual communication in PG. This time, I negotiated with the academics, so it was pretty smooth. After college, with a great dream, I stepped into the Tamil cinema as an assistant director. However, I couldn’t nurture my storytelling attributes, and I was waiting for the time to tell the stories I developed and created.
I couldn’t be patient until my debut film & I was obsessed with the screenplay format since it conveyed everything minimally with many details. Reading has become a fading habit among the present generation. I felt this format would be intriguing for the gadget ridden new-gen minds to read. I decided to set up a platform on the new generation’s ecosystem, so I created a page on Instagram to post short screenplays. I named the page IDEAS SCRIPTED as I decided to convert all my ideas into screenplays. It’s been a good start, though I haven’t accomplished the ultimate dream of my storytelling aspiration. But I feel like it’s the beginning of a beautiful journey of storytelling. Though I wouldn’t have fit in the society’s paradigm of success, I have been accomplishing my milestones inch by inch firmly, and I’m confident that I would achieve my ultimate mission soon.”
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