“When I decided not to pursue Engineering for my college, I chose Visual Communication. I did never know an inch about the course until I joined SRM. But due to financial circumstances, after my first year, I was about to quit college. When I already made up my mind, one of my friends explained the value of the university and suggested me to instead make use of the opportunity.
The gap in which I had to decide to continue my education, made me realise my interests and passion. I pondered over what I what to become. I knew I was good at communication and hence, settled down with a plan of becoming an RJ or VJ, someday.
Rightfully, one of my friends asked me to host his newly commenced YouTube Channel and that pretty much boosted my confidence in speaking publicly.
During my third year at SRM, I got selected for a 3-month unpaid internship opportunity at Radio City. The internship exceeded for about 9 months, wherein I got exposed to more learnings. After a challenging period of 9 month-learning processes, I was ready to get down on the field.
I moved to Chennai and tried many other FM stations and TV channels as well. Unfortunately, either I was rejected or my resume did not reach the right people.
After a couple of weeks, Fever FM Station gave me an unpaid internship opportunity (again). Since I craved to learn more and more, I accepted the unpaid journey for 4 months. Considering my talent and interest in the job, the team offered me employment as a Show Producer. I worked there for around 18 months. And then I got an opportunity from Blacksheep, wherein I hosted a couple of shows and functioned as a Show Producer as well.
With one of my friend’s help, I received a call from Radio Mirchi Thirunelveli (the studio was in Madurai) for an RJ role. I immediately accepted the offer and travelled to Madurai (which is my native). Considering my Madurai slang, they placed me into Madurai Radio Mirchi after a couple of weeks.
I never expected to be an RJ within a short span, in one of the top radio stations, especially in my native.
I believe in spreading happiness and positivity everywhere. Wherever I go, I only grab the positivity out of it and I suppose that is the reason I am blessed with my best-loved job from my dream company in my own place.
Perseverance matters, blended with optimism & compassion!”