“I am an ardent believer that the love you give out comes back to you in ways and forms unknown. It is definitely a boomerang!
My formative years went by with tons of anxiety and stress due to an unfortunate incident of child abuse by a distant relative. I even opened up about it after a while to my parents, but they didn’t get it. That alongside the bullying I went through in school for being comparatively dark-skinned, really got to me. All this had a huge impact on my physical health as well, wherein I got diagnosed with an acute case of Thyroid, that additionally made me put on weight. My parents in fact, considered going to a doctor only after my teacher insisted. It made me realize that emotional support for a child is equally important, if not more, in comparison to financial support.
In hindsight, although, I’m actually thankful for my experiences for it has made me immensely self-aware. Today, even when people throw a fit, I don’t react immediately as I’m able to gauge what might have caused that behaviour. It’s a multi-perspective outlook towards situations. I also actively try to help people I come across in whatever way possible. And surprisingly, in most cases, it is all about lending a patient ear, because so many lack the company to talk to and share their feelings with!
I also ensure to educate any parent I meet about child abuse and ask them to not brush it off as an insignificant concept, as I feel no child should have to go through what I did! Not that my parents were bad, but they had too much on their plate already that they had to deal with. Ultimately, all my trauma became the catalyst that drove me towards healing both myself and them! Today I’m in a much happier headspace and I plan to spread the love!”
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