“My father bought a lot of books for me to read, one day. As a single child, I found it a great way to keep myself busy. While I read a lot, there was one book that stuck with me, the “Five Mystery Stories” by Nilima Sinha. Seeing my obsession with books, my father said he’d love to see me become a writer someday. However, I brushed it off as a father’s love for his daughter and him overestimating my skills. Years went by and I heard the same statement from another person. This time, it made a whole lot of difference.
Standing by my side was the guy who stole my heart and soul, telling me that I am a prolific writer. He encouraged me to pursue my passion and continue writing. That was it, I suddenly wanted to start writing more and that’s how “Words AKA Pearls” was born!
Words became my drug and writing, my obsession. But life caught up with me and I became inconsistent, irregular and unpolished in posting on my page. I was able to see the flaws in my writing and found it embarrassing. So, I quit and gave up on writing. Soon after that, motherhood happened. One of the best phases of life, no doubt, but with it came the tumultuous waves of postpartum depression. That’s when my husband emerged as a hero. He made me realize the power of my words and how they could help me overcome any battle. He stood by my side and helped me heal beyond recognition. He was the reason I could learn from my mistakes and improve both my work and personality. He took more pride in my work than I did and was fulfilling my quest to find a true friend.
Words give us comfort and help us heal. But the right people make our soul strong and life, livable. I got back to writing- my words were bolder and sharper, but virtuous. I see recognition for my words, his smiles get broader and I have never been more content.”
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